The monthly newsletter / E-bulletin generated by the club is uploaded in this module. A data repository of all years newsletter collection can be maintained with the help of this module.
A search button is available to look for old newsletters. The data can be maintained for a year on year basis.
Steps for uploading a newsletter-
Click on the add button
Choose the recipient type:-
All members (You can select all the members listed within the club, this list is generated based on the information provided in the directory module. You can even deselect the checkboxes if need be.
Subgroup (Select between all the subgroups created. This information is created by the sub-group module)
Members Select only individual members
Add the title of the newsletter
Select the publish date and time, ( i.e; the date of when you want the newsletter to be sent to the members )
Add a link to the newsletter if any or Upload the PDF copy of your newsletter.
Click on save when finished
All the newsletter will reflect in the mobile application, District website, club website, & OCV / Governor's monthly report.
Last updated