πŸ”Service Projects

The data that you enter in this module is specifically for a community service project that your club conducts and has benefited the society.

A project cannot be a club meeting, fellowship, club celebration, or any other event.

For example, it won’t be considered if they are; Doctor’s day celebration, Birthday and Anniversary celebration, Festivals, etc.



ANSWER: If your club has a hospital, dialysis center, education institute, etc., and your club keeps adding beneficiaries to the existing project, it is an ongoing project.

It’s a lifetime project and not a project for a particular year. Ongoing/repeat projects are conducted multiple times throughout the year

Any Repeat project that you have conducted before in the same Inner Wheel year under the same or any other area of focus falls under this category.

  • E.g.: You have conducted mask distribution today at a railway station and tomorrow the same activity is conducted in another place or you have done one tree plantation in one village last month and you are conducting one more in another village this month, it is a repeat project. These are just examples. Please upload similar projects conducted under this criteria.


ANSWER: One time project(s) are projects that are taken up or conducted once a year.


  1. Click on the add project button

  2. You’ll have the choice between choosing the two types of projects - SELECT ONGOING / REPEAT PROJECT

  3. Select between the below 2 options -

  • OPTION 1- If you click on Create new Ongoing/Repeat Projects - Enter the title of the new ongoing project.

  • Select if this is a joint project with any other Inner Wheel club.

  • If you select β€˜yes’, select whether you have/are; Lead role or Co-host club

  • OPTION 2 - If you click on "select Existing Ongoing/repeat projects" : - Select the existing project by clicking on the dropdown menu.

  • Select if it’s a joint project with any other Inner Wheel club.

  • If you select β€˜yes’, select whether you have/are; Lead role Co-host club

Please note : Project uploaded by co-host club will be displayed only in the club monthly report & club website (If subscribed through Inner Wheel India)

Add the title of the project.

5. Add a description of the content related to the project

6. Select the Area of focus, category & sub-category.

7. Select the date of the project

8. Enter the total cost for taking up the project

9. Select the source of funding for the project-

  • Self

  • CSR

  • Others

10. Enter direct beneficiaries details

11. Enter the man hours it took for the project. (No. of Members x No. of hours)

12. Enter the number of Members Involved

13. Add Action photographs (A maximum of five photos can be uploaded for each service project)

14. Add a description for each photograph.

15. Click on save button.

Steps for adding - ONE TIME PROJECT

  1. Click on the add project button

  2. You’ll have the choice between choosing the two types of projects, i.e; Click on the one time project option.

  3. Select if it’s a joint project with any other Inner Wheel club.

  4. If you select β€˜yes’, select whether you have/are; Lead role Co-host club

Please note : Project uploaded by co-host club will be displayed only in the club monthly report & club website (If subscribed through Inner Wheel India)

5. Add the title of the project.

6. Add a description of the content related to the project

7. Select the Area of focus, category & sub-category.

8. Select the date of the project

9. Enter the total cost for taking up the project

10. Select the source of funding for the project-

  • Self

  • CSR

  • Others

11. Enter direct beneficiaries details

12. Enter the man hours it took for the project. (No. of Members x No. of hours)

13. Enter the number of Members Involved

14. Add Action photographs (A maximum of five photos can be uploaded for each service project)

15. Add a description for each photograph.

16. Click on save button.

Last updated